Our Vision: Our vision is to see people transformed through the power of a relationship with Messiah Yeshua.
Our Mission: Our mission is to redeem believers from slavery in Pakistani brickyards. Help them
transition into a new life in the community of believers. And provide them micro loans to start their own business. So they can experience
true freedom in Messiah Yeshua.
To Engage humanity with the story of Yeshua & Yehovah.
To Educate them in Torah observance.
To Enrich their lives through obedience & community service.
To Inspire them to be light unto their neighbors.
Call: 541.543.4166
Email: SenseiAlbert@gmail.com
Ahavah Fellowship C/O Albert Roy
336 Main Street #4
Springfield, Oregon 97477, USA
# 92-1154611